The Member View Defaults window ( Fabricator Settings )

  • Settings applied here, to the Member View Defaults window, are for your current Fabricator . Selecting a different Fabricator to be the active Fabricator in your current Job may result in this window being populated with different " In " and " Out " settings.

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   To open Member View Defaults :

Method 1 : Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Detailing > Member View Defaults .

Methods 1, 2 & 3 : In Modeling or the Drawing Editor , choose Settings > Fabricator Settings > Member View Defaults (classic), or use a keyboard shortcut , or click the icon.

Password protection: If a password has been set using the Change Setup Password utility, you can open this window only if you first enter that exact password.

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Q . Does this window only affect user-added preset views?

A . No. The settings on this window affect both system-created preset views and user-added preset views. A preset view can be added by pressing the " Preset " button in member isolation. System-created preset views are created during Create Solids . For non- miscellaneous members, Create Solids automatically generates whatever views are needed to dimension materials and holes on the member detail . For legacy miscellaneous members and miscellaneous members , a MAIN VIEW is the only automatically created view -- all other views need to be added using the " Presets " button in member isolation .

Q . What is a preset view?

A . The preset views that can be assigned to members of a particular type are listed under tabs on this window. These views can be assigned automatically, or assigned by users in member isolation. Preset views that are assigned by users are referred to as user-added preset views. When the member is detailed, all preset views that are assigned to the member (in member isolation) will be shown on the detail. If a view is not listed in member isolation, it will not be shown on the detail.

These are the preset views that can be assigned to a beam. Whether a " Bottom flange " view or a " Bottom flange (cross-section )" view is automatically system generated (if needed) is controlled by the setup option " Preferred bottom flange view style ." The " Bottom flange " view is a worm's eye view.

Q . Can this window be used to delete views?

A . No. If the Creating 3D material phase of Process and Create Solids determines that a view is needed, that view will automatically be added, regardless of choices you make on this window. This window can only be used to change the depth checking on system-created or user-added preset views. To delete a view, use " Delete " in member isolation.

Q . How are preset views assigned?

A . The main view of a member is automatically assigned when that member is created. Other preset views may be assigned as needed. Users can assign preset views to members using the " Preset " button in member isolation or the " Add View " button on the member edit window. You can also write a parametric Python script to assign preset views.

Q . What does Auto do?

A . " Auto " instructs the Creating 3D material phase of Process and Create Solids to calculate the " In depth " and " Out depth " values for that particular preset view. These values are calculated based on the member type, the view type and the main material type.

" Auto " lets you enter specific " In depth " and " Out depth " values.

Q . What are " In depth " and " Out depth "?

A . " In depth " is the distance in from the plane of the view. " Out depth " is the distance out from the plane of the view.

A left end preset view shown as a grid line. The view looks toward the beam. This screen shot was taken from the MAIN VIEW in member isolation .

Q . Is Member View Defaults the only place I can set the " In depth " and " Out depth "?

A . No, it isn't. You can change the " In " and " Out " depth of a member view on a case-by-case basis. This can be done by selecting the view on the view list in member isolation, then using the depth check controls on your toolbar or in Display Options . Be sure to then " Save " your changes. The following examples illustrate this.

  "" This is the same beam as above, but seen in member isolation from the preset left end view. The bottom flange cannot be seen because the cope puts it out of the depth In range.
Here the depth " In " range has been increased so that the view can see past the cope to the bottom flange of the beam.

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